M8 Woodside Viaducts: Band of Builders Site Visit

Band of Builders Site Visit

Band of Builders is a charity focused on supporting members of the construction industry. The charity was formed in 2016 when their founder campaigned on social media to help his close friend. The incredible response encouraged the creation of Band of Builders, who now offer support to those within the industry who are facing challenges. 

In April 2024, Gavin Crane from Band of Builders spoke with our construction team about how the charity was formed, who they have helped, and shared stories about mental health within the construction industry, emphasising the importance of talking and speaking out.  Gavin discussed how their charity helps men struggling with mental health issues and highlighted avenues for seeking help and advice. 

From this session, colleagues from our construction team signed-up as volunteers for the charity, offering their services to help Band of Builders at events.