M8 Woodside Viaducts: St Joseph’s Primary School STEM Visit

St Joseph's Primary School STEM Visit

In May 2024, two Amey colleagues from M8 Woodside Viaducts, Mog and Michael, visited St Joseph’s Primary School to deliver a STEM workshop.  

The workshop started with Mog and Michael sharing an interactive presentation with the pupils, explaining what engineers do, and some information about the Woodside Viaducts projects. The children were engaged, helping to confirm the purpose of PPE, naming machinery, and types of bridges.  

Afterwards, the children worked in groups to build their own truss bridges with Mog and Michael’s help. When their bridges were successfully built, they tested their bridge’s strength by balancing a toy car on the bridge deck. The final activity required the pupils to connect all their bridges to create one long bridge and each took turns racing the cars along the bridge. 

The pupils enjoyed their day with our engineers, sharing the following from the day:  


“I enjoyed building the bridge and then using what I had built.” Frankie P3/2 


“I learned that bridges are made of stone and concrete.” Aleem P3/2 


“I had fun because we had a competition with objects we had built.” Ariana P3/2 


“We learned about different jobs we could do when we grow up and what clothes we would need to wear to make sure we are safe.” Tanisha P3/2 


“I loved hearing about the work Michael does, I would like to be an engineer when I grow up.” Thomas P3/2