Scottish Wildlife Trust | Community Fund

Community Fund Donation

Scottish Wildlife Trust Donation

Each quarter, Amey South-West Trunk Roads allocate funds to support local causes across our road network with employees nominating those who need donations for a particular event, supplies, or initiatives. One of the Community Fund causes chosen this quarter was The Scottish Wildlife Trust, nominated by Environmental and Sustainability Manager, Craig MacGarvie. 

Over the last 50 years, the Scottish Wildlife Trust has established itself as a leader in nature conservation in Scotland. The trust has introduced a new initiative, the Irvine to Girvan Nectar Network that aims to establish connected nectar and pollen-rich sites along the Ayrshire coast, ensuring the long-term survival of pollinating insects in the area. To support the Nectar Network, the Trust received £316. 

Ashley Small, Scottish Wildlife Trust, Corporate Partnerships Manager said: “The Scottish Wildlife Trust Manages over 100 wildlife reserves across Scotland and leads environmental restoration initiatives. Amey’s support will help us drive forward this necessary work, championing the conservation of Scotland’s wildlife and wild places for current and future generations.”